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  • Officers & Staff
    Shari Obrenski



    Shari Obrenski is the President of the Cleveland Teachers Union. She served as an American History and Government teacher at Jane Addams Business Careers Center in the Cleveland Municipal School District for 22 years prior to becoming President of the CTU.

    Her experience with the CTU before becoming President includes 3rd Vice President, Senior High & Special Schools; Chair of the CTU Publications & Social Committees, Member of Grievance Committee (including Director of Grievances from 2008 – 2014), and Director of Negotiations. As Director of Negotiations, President Obrenski led the CTU members to two ratified contracts (2016 & 2019) that were good for the students of Cleveland and fair for the members of the CTU.

    Ms. Obrenski also serves at the 1st Vice President of the Ohio Federation of Teachers, Board Chair for the North Shore Federation of Labor (AFL-CIO), and as a Vice President for the Ohio AFL-CIO.

    1st Vice President
    Tracy Radich


    x. 226

    Tracy is 4th grade teacher at Joseph Gallagher.  At the Union office, she is a member of the CTU Negotiations Team. Tracy is the best contact for the following categories:

    Continuing Education Credits (CEU's)

    Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP)

    License Renewal



    2nd Vice President
    Kurt Richards


    x. 222

    Kurt is a teacher at Benjamin Franklin.  He has served on the Executive Board for 23 years.  In addition to being elected by members as 2nd Vice President, Kurt is the COPE Director, Director of Political Action and Liaison for CTU with the Office of Contractual Implementation. Kurt is also a member of the negotiation team. His favorite part of working for CTU is helping and supporting members.

    His past Union experience with the CTU includes being a building chair for 12 years and many roles over his 23 years on the Executive Board.  Kurt has experience as the Publications Chair, Legislative Chair, member of the social committee, and co-Director of Grievances. 

    It is best to contact Kurt Richards on questions of the following categories:

     - coaching & differentials

     - Political Action

    3rd Vice President, K-8
    Mary Moore


    x. 253

    Mary Moore is an Intervention Specialist at Willson School.  In addition to her elected role as 3rd Vice President, K-8 on the Executive Board, Mary Moore serves as Director of Negotiations and on the grievance team. Mary's favorite part of working for CTU includes representing members in hearings and in negotiations.

    Mary was a Chapter Chair for Waverly between 2003 - 2009 before being appointed to the Executive Board.  Her past experience at the union office includes the Nominations & Elections Committee, Social Committee Chair, and a member of the negotiation team before becoming Director of Negotiations. 

    The union topics that Mary is best suited to answer include: 

    - K- 8 issues

    - Special education

    - MOUs (negotiations)

    - Grievances

    - Scheduling

     - CBA

    3rd Vice President, K-8
    Jillian Ahrens


    x. 238

    Jillian is a 1st grade teacher at Memorial.  Jillian is elected by members as 3rd Vice President (K-8) and represents CTU members in a number of roles, including: co-Director of Grievances, CTU Chair on the TDES Steering Committee, CTU Chair of Humanware/SEL Executive Committee.  She is an expert in social emotional learning (SEL) and has presented at several CASEL conferences on this topic. Jillian's favorite part of working at the CTU is representing the amazing, hard working members.

    Over the years, Jillian has had a lot of union experience, which started as a Chapter Chair. Jillian has served as Membership Chair and Ed Issues Chair while serving members in the K-8 Member-at-Large position before being elected as a 3rd Vice President.  Additionally, Jillian is on the negotiation team and has served on the TGRG Committee.

    Jillian is best able to answer questions in the following categories:

    - Grievances 

    - TDES Evaluation

    - SEL/Humanware

    - Restorative Practices


    - CBA

    - Building Concerns

    3rd Vice President, Senior/Special
    Debbie Paden


    x. 252

    Debbie is currently a Teacher On Assignment, serving the District as the Resident Educator Program Coordinator.  In addition to serving as your 3rd VP, Debbie serves as Grievances co-chair. She also serves on the TDES Committee, on the Joint Scheduling Committee, and the LPDC Committee.  Debbie is proud to contribute to the work that CTU does as a  leading champion of good public schools, the protection of individual rights, and the expansion of individual opportunities for all.

    Debbie can answer questions related to:

    -Academic Achievement Plans (AAP)

    -IPDP (Individual Professional Development Plan)


    -License Renewal


    -New teachers to CMSD

    -Resident Educator Program

    Jim Wagner


    x. 255

    Jim Wagner is a 5th grade regular education teacher at Benjamin Franklin school.  In 2021, Jim was elected as Treasurer of the CTU after serving in the Trustee role for a number of years.  Jim is an OFT representative on the Ohio Educator Standards Board, which meets quarterly in Columbus.  He is also an OFT Executive Council Delegate for CTU. Working with the members to solve problems and make members happy is Jim's favorite part of working at the CTU office.

    Before being elected by members on Executive Board, Jim served as a chapter chair.  Past union experience also includes CTU Membership Chair, CTU Social Chair, Member-at-Large for K-8, and Trustee representing K-8 members.

    Jim should be contacted for the following question categories: 

    ADA accommodations

    Assaults & Menacing

    CEUs (Continuing Education Credits)


    IPDP (Individual Professional Development Plan)

    License Renewal

    Preliminary Investigations (District-level)

    Special transfer hearings

    Michelle Rzucidlo


    x. 257

    Michelle is a Preschool Intervention Specialist at Mary B Martin.  Michelle is elected as Secretary for CTU and is the appointed Bargaining Unit Director.  She serves members as a VP for the North Shore AFL-CIO. Additionally, Michelle is a part of the negotiation team for CTU.  Michelle's favorite part of working for the CTU is interacting with members.

    Michelle is the best contact for questions in the following categories:


    -Ease @ Work


    -Leaves of absences



    -School calendar

    -Special Education


    Cheryl Neylon


    x. 264

    Cheryl Neylon is a technology teacher at Charles Mooney. She is on the Grievance Team and participates in Workday Trainings with the District. Cheryl serves as the OFT Communications Committee Chair.  Cheryl's favorite part of working for the CTU is meeting and talking to new people and helping members!

    Cheryl's past union experience includes serving on the UCC for Charles Mooney,  being the Membership Chair, an elected Trustee - and appointed to Head Trustee by colleagues.

    Cheryl can also answer questions related to: 

    -ADA accommodations



    -Fact Finding hearings


    -Preliminary Investigations (school level)

    -Special transfers



    Member-at-Large, K - 8
    Christy Corte


    x. 235

    Christy is a 6-8 Low Incidence Intervention Specialist at Joseph Gallagher.  Christy was elected to the CTU Executive Board in 2021 as Member-at-Large (K-8), after serving as an appointee for several years.  In 2022, Christy took over as co-chair of the Joint Special Education Committee (JSEC) and sends out regular updates in the Special Education newsletter, which can be found on the website HERE. Prior to taking over the Community Relations Committee in April 2024, Christy served as the Publications Chair. Christy's favorite part of working for the CTU is helping members.  Feel free to reach out to Christy with any questions you may have!

    The topics that Christy can answer questions about (in addition to general CBA questions) include: 

    -Special education

    -Union publications

    Member-at-Large, K-8
    Stephanie Henderson


    x. 262

    Stephanie is a Kindergarten teacher at East Clark.  Stephanie was a building chair for several years before being elected to the CTU Executive Board.  She currently serves as Member-at-Large, K-8 and serves as the Civil, Democratic, and Human Rights (CDHR) chair.  In 2021, Stephanie served as the Educational Issues Chair before returning to the CDHR Chair again this year.  Stephanie's favorite part of working for the CTU is serving our members!

    In addition to general union questions, Stephanie can answer questions regarding the following topics: 


    -Educational Issues

    -Grade Level Preference

    -Kindergarten-related questions

    Member-at-Large, K-8
    Sara Baldassar


    x. 273

    Sara Baldassar is a classroom teacher at Memorial.  Sara joined the CTU Executive Board in 2023 as an appointee and became an elected Member-at-Large (K-8) in April 2024. Prior to being appointed to the CTU Executive Board in 2023, Sara had union experience as an assistant Building Chair and as the Assistant Chair of the Educational Issues Committee.  Sara currently serves as the Education Issues Committee Chair and holds professional development, reading challenges for students, and other workshops. Additionally, Sara has brought back the AFT Teacher Leaders Program.

    The topics that Sara can answer questions about (in addition to general CBA questions) include: 

     - AFT Teacher Leaders Program

    - BounceBack

     - Educational Issues programming

     - PowerSchool

    Member-at-Large, senior/special
    Errol Savage


    x. 243

    Errol was elected in March 2024 and got sworn into office at the April Delegate Assembly. Errol is a Library Media Specialist for various worksites in CMSD. Before being elected to Executive Board, Errol had served as Chapter Chair at Newton D. Baker and for the Library Media Specialists, the latter of which he still represents. Errol currently serves as the Publications Chair, which includes the Critique, member mobilization e-mails & CTU Pinterest page.

    In addition to general CBA questions, Errol can answer questions on the following topics: 

     - CTU Publications

     - CTU Critique

    Mark Baumgartner


    x. 272

    Mark is an English Teacher at Max Hayes High School.  He's held the elected position of Trustee-at-Large for 16 years and been the appointed Director of Professional Issues for 14 years.  Mark serves on the CTU negotiation team, is a Board Member of the Cleveland Transformation Alliance, and the OFT Educational Issues Committee Chair.  Mark's favorite part of working at CTU is actually getting to work to improve the lives of our members and working with the district on educational issues that impact learning. 

    Mark can be contacted for questions in the following areas:

    Academic Achievement Plans (AAP)

    ER & D





    Professional Issues, Director

    Redesign Schools

    Say Yes

    TDES (& TDES Steering Committee)


    Andrea Dockery-Murray


    x. 266

    Andrea is a visual art teacher at John Adams College & Career Academy.  She is elected as Trustee-at-Large by members.  Additionally, Andrea serves as an OFT Executive Council member, and Chapter Chair for John Adams.  Andrea's favorite part of working for CTU is supporting all members. 

    Past Union experience that Andrea brings to the table includes being an elected K-8 Member-at-Large representative.  Andrea has attended AFT Conventions as your CTU Delegate and has been a dedicated union member since beginning her career in CMSD. 

    She can also be contacted for questions regarding the following topics:



    -Tax Program

    -Written mutual agreements between the principal & UCC

    Trustee, K-8
    Bonnie Hedges


    x. 240

    Bonnie is a 5/6 math and science teacher at Willson.  She serves on the UCC team at Willson and is an elected K-8 Trustee on the CTU Executive Board.  Bonnie's favorite part of working for CTU is helping the members. Bonnie believes that the CTU makes a difference and enjoys being a part of that work.

    Bonnie's past union experience includes being a Union Chair for 15 years and being an appointed member of the Executive Board prior to being elected.  While appointed, she served as the Legislative Chair. 

    Bonnie can be contacted for questions related to the following:



    -CEUs (Continuing Education Credits)

    -Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP)

    Trustee, Senior/Special
    Dorothy Fair


    x. 242

    Dorothy is an Intervention Specialist at East Tech. She is your elected Trustee, Senior/special.  Dorothy's favorite part of working at CTU is meeting people from all over the US and other countries.  She also loves seeing that she is making a difference on the local, state & national levels.

    Dorothy can answer questions in the following areas:


    -FLMA (and LOA)

    -Humanware (SEL)


    -Special Education

    Trustee, K-8
    Mark Steinbrunner


    x. 225

    Mark is an Intervention Specialist at Newton D. Baker School of Arts. Mark was elected in March 2024 and sworn in at the beginning of the April 2024 Delegate Assembly as K-8 Trustee. Mark has union experience serving as the union steward at UPS International Brotherhood of Teamsters.  He has also been the building chair at Willow School and currently serves as a UCC member at Newton D. Baker. 

     Mark can answer questions in the following areas:

    -Special Education

    -CTU Budget/Expenses

    -K-8 Issuses

    Para Chairperson
    Cherylane Jones-Williams


    x. 241

    Cherylane Jones Williams is an Instructional Assistant at Joseph Gallagher.  She is the elected paraprofessional representative on the Executive Board and serves on the grievance and negotiation teams in this role.  Cherylanes favorite part of working for the CTU is working on behalf of all of our paraprofessional members and collaborating with the other chapters within our union!

    She is the best contact for representation of paraprofessionals, or questions in the following areas:

    -Educational Aide permits



    -Paraprofessionals (all classifications)

    -Para Career Ladder

    -PCIA, Co-chair

    -Permit renewal, paraprofessionals

    -Working conditions


    Nurse Chapter Chair
    Halle DeLong


    ext. 237

    Halle DeLong, RN-LSN, JD is an RSN assigned to Hannah Gibbons.  Halle first became a member of CTU in 2017 when she started in CMSD as a School Nurse. She first joined the ranks of the union in 2020 when she was elected as a representative for the Nurse Chapter UCC team. Previous to joining the education field, Halle worked as an assistant public defender, a staff attorney, and a nurse in the OR. She is currently a member of both the Ohio Association of School Nurses and the National Association of School Nurses.

    In addition to general questions about the CBA, Halle can best answer questions related to:

     - Medicaid billing for nursing services

     - Policies & procedures of the Nursing & Health Services Department

     - School based health clinics

    Salary & Benefits Chair
    Amy Such


    x. 268

    Amy is a School Psychologist at Joseph Gallagher Elementary.  Before being appointed to the CTU Executive Board, Amy had various Union experience, including serving on various committees that worked with the District and serving as one of the Psychological Services Delegate since April 2014. In 2022, Amy was appointed to the CTU Executive Board and serves as the Salary & Benefits Chair.  Amy's favorite part of working for the CTU is being a part of the strong, dynamic commitment of the union and working with so many amazing educators.

    In addition to general Union questions that you may have, Amy is best suited to answer questions in the following categories: 

    -Health & Wellness

    -Salary & Benefits

    -Social Emotional Learning

    Legislative Chair
    Jimmy Musser


    x. 271

    Jimmy is a social studies teacher at Rhodes College and Career Academy, teaching U.S. Government & AP Government & Politics. Jimmy was appointed to the CTU Executive Board by Shari in April 2024. Prior to serving on the Executive Board, Jimmy had several union roles, including Assistant Chair at Rhodes College & Career; a member of the AFT Civic Design Team; and served as an MML in the 2023-2024 school year.  As an appointed member of the Executive Board, Jimmy serves as the Legislative Chair and Director of the Member Mobilization Leaders (MMLs). 

    In addition to general CBA questions, Jimmy can be contacted about: 


    -Legislative Issues

    -Elections & Campaigns

    -Member Mobilization Leadership

    -Political Action

    Social Committee Chair
    Rosa Morales Cruz


    ext. 274

    Rosa Morales Cruz was appointed to the CTU Executive Board in 2022.  She serves as the Social Committee Chair, after serving for one year as the Educational Issues Chair.  Rosa's been excited to learn more about the Union and the work we do at the downtown office.  

    As the Social Committee Chair, Rosa can answer questions about: 

     -End of the Year Party

     -CTU Retirement Luncheon

    Membership Chair
    Lisa Arraj


    x. 251

    Lisa is a Preschool Intervention Specialist at Charles Mooney PreK-8. She's been the Union Chapter Chair at Charles Mooney for the past 7 years.

    In summer 2023, Lisa was appointed to the CTU Executive Board and serves as Membership Chair. The Membership Chair is in charge of ensuring the CTU membership records are updated, ordering the CTU membership gifts, and is coordinator of the CTU Golf fundraiser for scholarships for CMSD graduates who attend Tri-C. Lisa enjoys serving on CTU Executive Board because she likes representing members and helping them feel supported.

    Lisa can answer questions about: 

     - CTU Membership

     - TDES

     - SUTQ (Step Up To Quality)

     - Grievance process

    David Adams


    216-861-7676 x. 233

    David is an Intervention Specialist at Joseph Gallagher. He joined the CTU Office staff as the Webmaster in April 2024. David has served as delegate, UCC member and assistant building chair over the years. He will also serve as the Community Relations Assistant, under the leadership of Christy Corte.

    Office Manager
    Ed Wegrzynowski


    x. 246

    Executive Assistant to President
    Meg Ryan


    x. 231

    Meg has been the Executive Assistant to the President since June 2011.

    Office Secretary
    Edie Pace


    x. 248

    Grievance Secretary

    Office Secretary
    Kym Henderson


    x. 245

    Office Secretary
    Tamitra Peavy


    x. 259

    Office Staff
    Ellison Smith

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