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    Write to your lawmakers and tell them: Oppose the extreme, House Republican funding bill. We need real solutions, not cuts.

    Sign the petition to tell Congress not to undermine Public Service Loan Forgiveness!
  • Staffing Information

    If you have questions about staffing, please reach out to Tracy Radich (tradich@ctu279.org).

    Open Position Lists
    Jul 08, 2024

    You can download the open position lists as of July 1 below.

    Teacher Open Position List

    Paraprofessional Open Position List

    2024-2025 Paraprofessional Open Position List 7.1.2024.pdf
    2024-2025 Teacher Open Position List 7.1.2024.pdf

    Seniority Lists
    Apr 21, 2022
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    Page Last Updated: Jul 08, 2024 (05:47:00)
  • Cleveland Teachers Union

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