Tell your legislators and the members of the House and Senate Higher Education Committees to oppose SB 1 and HB 6 (The Higher Education Destruction Act).
Please write to Governor DeWine and ask him veto these bills when they are passed and sent to him.
Members of Congress—regardless of party—should urge President Trump to end this terrible anxiety and cruelty by reinstating the protection of schools, hospitals and churches against ICE.
Mission The mission of the Women of CMSD is to embrace womanhood, to connect and empower women with the skills to thrive and grow in their career and professional learning community.
Vision Connect, support, and empower women. We embrace womanhood and promote growth withing our professional learning community.
Identify members and market to a diverse group of women (Blue Institute, SLI, CTU)
Connect with other Cleveland ERGs (Cleveland Clinic, Sherwin Williams)
Share monthly communications to showcase women
Help to prevent workforce burn-out
Survey women and their needs
Host a podcast/webinar
Provide mentorship
PROUD provides and promotes LGBTQ+ visibility among employees about current workplace and social issues that affect the LGBTQ+ community.
● Support CMSD staff to be more comfortable being their authentic self in the workplace
● Create a space where people can openly talk about their families
● Educate CMSD employees about the impacts of making negative and disparaging comments towards LGBTQ+ students and staff
● Unite our allies to conquer division, confusion and anger that some may feel towards our community
Through networking, educational events, outreach, and more, PROUD strives to create
a safe space for LGBTQ+ employees while maintaining diversity in thoughts and ideas
across the organization.
All CMSD employees—LGBTQ+ and allies—are welcome to join and support the PROUD ERG. As an ERG, we will support, educate, and advocate for staff and student policies that promote a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment.
About Us
Create programming and supports designed to increase engagement, retention, and leadership for men of color within CMSD.
Guiding Principles:
As participants of the Men of Color Shaping Academics, we recognize that there are three essential components:
Making a positive impact on the lives and community of CMSD students.
Empowering men of color educators to foster Equity & Inclusion within CMSD.
Networking and growth opportunities that cultivate leadership and retain high performing CMSD Educators.